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Wisdom Weaver


Dr. Michael Cavanagh



Michael is an internationally recognized academic, practitioner and consultant in the fields of leadership and coaching psychology. Michael’s work focuses on preparing leaders, teams and coaches to work effectively and sustainably in complex settings. In his academic work he is the Deputy Director of the Coaching Psychology Unit at the University of Sydney (Australia) and Visiting Professor at Middlesex University (UK). He has coached leaders and managers at all levels from a diverse range of public and private, national and multinational organizations, both in Australia and internationally. Along with numerous publications in the peer reviewed press, Michael is the principal author of the Standards Australia Handbook of Organisational Coaching. He is also the Australian editor of the International Coaching Psychology Review. Michael’s passion is assisting leaders, organisations and individuals to understand and address complex challenges in ways that increase the sustainability of the organisation, its people and the planet.

What inspires you?

Working for the betterment of people and the planet, particularly the marginalized.

What relationship has been most influential in your life?

There have been many.

What’s on your bookshelf?

In Over our Heads: The Mental Demands of Modern Life, R Kegan
Complexity Leadership Part 1., Uhl-Bien and Marion
Solving Tough Problems, Adam Kahane

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