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Wisdom Weaver

Preston, Camille FOW

Dr. Camille Preston



Dr. Camille Preston is the founder and CEO of AIM Leadership, which accelerates business results by improving individual, team, and organizational effectiveness and leadership capabilities. A psychologist by training and experienced leadership coach, Camille’s past and present clients include Fortune 500 companies, government and military organizations, not-for-profit organizations, and individuals seeking to optimize their performance. A recognized thought leader on virtual effectiveness, Camille is also a sought-after speaker and the author of two books: Rewired and Create More Flow. Camille holds a Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Virginia and advanced training in leadership from Georgetown University.

What inspires you?

I feel most alive when I’m serving, loving, and learning. Most recently the “greatest challenge and inspiration” has come from stilling, quieting, listening, and trusting inward. My husband and I are entering our third year of studying heart centered mindfulness with an integrative MD. I’m present to our patterning, our assumptions and all the root ways in which we are deeply interconnected and interdependent.

What relationship has been most influential in your life?

Relationships are the fruit of life, making it hard to pick just one. AND, Victoria Maize a dear friend, inspiring mentor, and sage innovator has been warming my heart and inspiring me forward. Impact is not proximal — Victoria is a different geography, life stage and just as Indigenous communities have many different words for different types of snow, Victoria is inspiring me to rethink, reimagine and deepen my understanding and awareness of Love. There are so many ways to love. Soul relationships – those individuals who ignite something deep within us – inspiring us to be a new, better, different version of ourselves.

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