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We collaborate, research, and disseminate insights to evoke inspiration, create community, and reimagine the future of coaching.


We connect with bold thinkers and worldwide experts across disciplines who generate collective wisdom through collaboration — we call them Wisdom Weavers. Using an in-depth dialogue model in the form of interviews and panels, we spotlight key contributions of our partnering experts.


We take the thematic insights of our Wisdom Weavers and combine them with research on emerging trends to curate online content through articles, videos, and manifestos. Our content covers transdisciplinary topics — ideas that integrate multiple branches of knowledge — and casts a vision for how coaching can advance future global progress.


We distribute these insights and research through the Global Digital Library, an open-access online platform designed to serve as a library of relevant knowledge on how the future of coaching can continue to foster well-being for people and planet.

As the newest branch of the International Coaching Federation’s ecosystem, TLI delivers high-caliber insights on coaching’s role in shaping the future. These insights influence the art, science, and practice of coaching while advancing societal well-being.

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